It's the end of the world as i know it  

Posted by SOS in

Armageddon 101
by: Iam Left


Armageddon, is Hebrew for Har Magedon. Har means fortified hill. Megiddo or Magedon is a mount in the valley of Jezreel over 50 miles northwest of Jerusalem. Between WWI and WWII this location has been fortified by the British at a cost of millions. Put them together and you have a fortified hill named Magedon or Armageddon. describes Armageddon as:

"A great, future war that will be fought at Mount Megiddo. This will be the most terrifying and destructive of all wars mankind will experience."

The who and when's of this battle are hotly debated. Although much is clear for the Bible conscious. The King James Version of the Bible states that this battle will be started by three demons and these demons influence the leaders of the nations. These three demons have been sent from the Unholy Trinity: the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet.

"He will receive a head wound and die. To mimic the death and resurrection of Jesus, he too will rise from the dead."

The Dragon is Satan, the Beast is a political leader and the False Prophet is a religious leader who shall help restore the Roman Empire.

Many great and not so great leaders have been accused of being influenced by these demons; Sadam Hussin, President Bush x2, almost every modern US President, Hitler and the list goes on. We know where the fight will be and what it is called, but who will be involved?

The whole world will be engulfed in this battle. Identify the three demons and you will know the Antichrist. The most common suspects for the Beast and the False Prophet are the next US president and next Prime minister of Britain. The political leader, the Beast personified, is a woman leader called a Whore not because she gives herself to every man but because she sells or gives her country and ideas away. The front runner for the Democrats is a woman. Coincidently an anagram of her name includes the word harlot. The False prophet, restores the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire or Holy Roman Empire encompassed the following:

Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Jordania, Kuwait, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Lybia, Monaco, Morocco, Netherlands, Palestine, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, Vatican City and Yugoslavia. 14 of 38 are Muslim majority.

The European Union or the United States of Europe was called for by Mr. Winston Churchill. Presently the European Union consist of the following:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom.

You might notice a couple of Countries in both the EU and Roman Empire!

Who is the one called the Antichrist? The common perception is that the Antichrist is one person. The Antichrist is no one person according to most Conspiracy theorists. It is an amalgam of the Beast, False Prophet and the Dragon; although the three come together in one man. Throughout time there have been many. The Antichrist is shown as a beast with 7 heads or in modern terms 1 government with 7 kingdoms. Also know as the New World Order. Eventually the Antichrist is born human. He will receive a head wound and die. To mimic the death and resurrection of Jesus, he too will rise from the dead. Only this time Satan takes complete control and possession of the "person" i.e. "body"...and claims to be God, the world's long awaited Messiah and Deliverer. Of course his claims are lies and he will take the world into the last half of the Great Tribulation Period as described in Revelation 13.

The embodiment of the Antichrist.

Has the Antichrist in the flesh been born? One man tied to the middle east, Ariel Sharon, has a head wound. Will he arise a new man? The answer is uncertain, but for many the prime suspect is Javier Solana. Dr. Solana was designated to become European Union Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2006, but is likely to continue in his present role while the future of the EU is decided. The Clinton administration claimed in May 2000 that Solana was the fulfillment of Henry Kissinger's desire to have a phone number to talk to Europe. Of particular interest, are the powers that Solana holds in his various jobs. Note, that in an emergency, Solana can evoke almost unlimited powers in order to ensure the internal security of the EU. Is his secretaryship of the partially dormant ten-member Western EU related to a biblical prophecy from Daniel 7:7 and 7:8, which states that the Antichrist will come from a different beast with 10 horns?

Who knows, this was just a practice article and i had to have a subject. As for me, i'm getting a bar code tattoo and stocking up on duct tape and bottled water.


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